You are responsible for legal infractions. If we receive a notice and process a violation, you will be charged a £30 processing fee in addition to the original cost of the ticket.
What happens if I received a ticket during my reservation?
Report it, let us know that you've received a ticket. Whether you've paid it or decided to appeal it, we want a record of what's happening. We want to know the date and time the violation was issued, the license plate of the vehicle, the type of violation (speeding, parking, etc), the ticket number, how much it is for and which council gave it to you. This way if something goes wrong in the payment process, or you encounter glitches, we'll know you've got it covered and we won't just assume you threw it in the gutter. Note that certain violations may impact insurance coverage, so it's very important to report any violation to Zipcar.
What happens if I don't pay for it?
If you don't pay for your ticket, we will be notified and charge you a £30 processing fee. Additionally, you are responsible for the cost of the ticket. If we can, we will redirect the violation to you. If we can't redirect it, we will pay the fine, along with any late fees and bill the total to your account. Other fines or membership suspension can also result, so please pay as soon as the ticket has been received.
Can I dispute it?
If you wish to contest a violation and the issuing authority allows it, be sure to do so promptly. If we receive a notice in the post, and you are yet to dispute the ticket with the issuing authority, we will automatically bill your account for the violation, plus the processing fee.
What happens if I receive a ticket after my reservation has ended?
If the ticket was issued as a result of your reservation, you are responsible for it. Once we are notified about the ticket, we will charge you a £30 processing fee. If we can, we will redirect the violation to you. If we can't redirect it, we will pay the fine, along with any late fees and bill the total to your account, provided that there are no grounds to appeal. You will be able to appeal the fine provided the issuing authority allows you to and that you have valid grounds to do so. You will be informed of the process via email.
How much do I have to pay?
When a ticket is originally issued, there’s a 14-day window when a reduced rate is applicable. This can vary from £50 to £65. However, if we do not receive the ticket at the reduced rate then the 'Notice to Owner' will be sent to us. By this stage, the reduced rate is no longer applicable. You are still responsible for the cost of the fine regardless if it is at the reduced rate or not.