How can I find where my booked Zipcar is parked?

After making a booking, you will find details about the location of the Zipcar you booked on the confirmation page of the website, on the booking page of the mobile app, as well as in your booking confirmation email.


Details will include the address, pictures of the location, and any location-specific instructions to help you pickup your Zipcar. If your Zipcar is located in a garage there may be additional steps you need to take to pickup your car.

If you're having trouble finding your Zipcar at its location, try honking the horn from the Zipcar mobile app. If you’re still unable to find the vehicle, please call us on 0333 240 9000




Once you’ve reserved your Flex car, you will be able to see the location on the map in relation to your current location. The car’s location is displayed by a blue pin. If in doubt, you can sound the vehicle’s horn (refer to the drive tab and tap honk.

By clicking pick up option within the app you will then be provided with a map with directions to the vehicle. 

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