Reserving a Vehicle


Roundtrip is our classic service. These vehicles can be booked for a minimum of 1 hour and a maximum of 7 days. If you require a reservation extension, a minimum of 30 minutes can be added.

  • Reservations can be made online or via the Zipcar app (green pins on the map)
  • You can select ‘show unavailable cars’ to view the full list of vehicles that are available in your area and the times they are booked
  • The vehicle details will be visible on your selection. This includes vehicle transmission(manual or automatic), name and model
  • If you call to make a reservation over the phone you will be charged a £1.50 assistance fee

When booking, keep in mind that your Zipcar is available for others to reserve before and after your reservation. Make sure to give yourself enough time so that you don't impact another member's trip if you get caught in traffic. If the vehicle is not in an existing reservation, you can scan in up to 14 minutes early without incurring any additional charges.

If you’re interested in reserving a vehicle for more than 7 days, please send an email to Reserving a vehicle for more than 7 days is not part of the normal service Zipcar offer and we hold the right to decline such requests. Criteria includes vehicle availability, location and membership history.

Payment for reservations are usually charged when you book. If any additional charges are incurred during your trip these will be added at the end of the reservation (e.g. additional mileage).


Flex is only available on the app. Flex cars (blue pins on the map) can’t be reserved in advance but can be held for up to 15 minutes with no charge before you drive.

You can then purchase additional hold time if you cannot make it to the vehicle on time.

We will place a £5 holding charge on your account when reserving a flex vehicle, this will be automatically cancelled when your reservation ends and will be removed from your account within 3-5 working days.

  • To book a Flex vehicle, you will need to be searching within the Zipzone
  • Tap a blue pin to bring up the vehicle. You will be able to view the transmission, fuel level and vehicle name and model

Payment for Flex is taken as soon as the trip has ended. You will receive the reservation confirmation email post-reservation to confirm the payment and trip details.

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