What is Roundtrip?

Each Roundtrip vehicle has its own designated Car Club Bay. This is where you will collect your vehicle from at the beginning of your reservation and return it to when you’re finished.

Roundtrip vehicles are strictly to be collected from, and parked back in their designated Car Club Bay.

As soon as you take a Roundtrip vehicle out of it’s designated bay, the same parking or driving rules and regulations apply as with any other vehicle on the road. This means you must pay for parking where necessary, and you cannot park the vehicle in other Roundtrip bays.

Every Roundtrip Zipcar must be returned to its designated Car Club Bay at the end of each reservation.

If you return to the Car Club Bay at the end of your reservation, and find that the space is blocked (i.e. another vehicle illegally parked or if there is a suspension in place), it is imperative that you give us a call straight away on 0333 240 9000.

We will be able to guide you to an alternative space to park that will not incur any parking charges.

We have agreements in place with the relevant local councils to ensure that you can park safely without risk of receiving a Penalty Notice Charge (PCN) if the designated Car Club Bay is inaccessible.

Keep In Mind

  • You cannot park your personal vehicle in a Car Club Bay during your reservation.
  • You will be held liable for any PCNs should the Zipcar receive one as a result of being parked incorrectly.
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