Hourly & Daily Rates

Hourly & Daily Rates
The majority of vehicles have both hourly and daily rates, which fluctuate depending on the day of the week. When booking a vehicle, you'll be charged the hourly rate until it reaches the daily rate, which serves as the maximum charge for a 24-hour period.

Occasionally, opting for the daily rate may be more economical compared to the hourly rate, even if your booking spans less than a full day. We'll do the math and quote you the least expensive rate.

Hourly-Only Vehicles
Some vehicles can only be booked by the hour, which means there's no option for a daily rate. These cars don't have a maximum daily charge for a 24-hour period.

Keep In Mind

Hourly and daily rates may vary over time due to discounts, availability, holidays, or other factors. Other fees may apply.

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