Reserving a Zipcar in Canada? Here's what you need to know.

You can book a Zipcar in a foreign country just as easily as you can from home. There are a few differences here and there. Here's what you should know if you reserve a Zipcar in Canada:

Bring your Zipcard: You cannot start your reservation from the mobile app. You will need to scan in with your Zipcard first.
Key on steering column: The key is tethered to the steering column. Please leave the key inside the car and use your Zipcard or smartphone to lock and unlock the doors throughout your reservation.
Reporting damage: There's no damage log in the car. Report any damage by calling 1‑866‑4ZIPCAR.
200 kilometers/day included: Your reservation includes 200 kilometers per day. If you drive more, it's 0.30 CAD for each additional kilometer (up to 0.40 CAD for premium vehicles and vans)
Fuel card in sun visor: The fuel card is located in the sun visor. Please be sure to return it to the sun visor after filling up.
Toll roads: Some roads require you to pay a toll, and many Zipcars are equipped with toll passes so you don't have to wait in line. There's no fee for using the pass; we'll simply charge your account for the actual toll amount. Toll charges are billed separately from your reservation.
Crossing borders: You can drive from Canada into the United States, no problem. However, you cannot drive into Mexico. Our insurance policy does not cover driving in Mexico.
Customer support: If you need assistance during your reservation, call 1‑866‑4ZIPCAR.
Insurance: Comprehensive insurance is included, but the details vary by country. Learn more about insurance coverage in Canada.

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